Audrey Szasz

Audrey Szasz - Counterillumination
402 pages, Perfect bound.
The long-awaited 3rd novel from a truly untamed literary talent.
Exquisitely printed with colour & b&w illustrations.
First edition. Limited numbers.
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Audrey Szasz’s epic third novel is her most ambitious trip yet. A 400-page psychic assault course journeying through the delirious present and harrowed hellscapes of futures past. This truly encyclopaedic outsider vision of ecstasy and, until now, unimaginable horror will surely warp your pretty little mind forever.
File under: Sex (Deviant). Violence (Frequent). Psychology (Experimental). Literature (Radical). Counter (Illumination).
We can confidently say you will have never read anything remotely like this before.
No spoilers: the complete Zutka Reconstruction Kit.
CAUTION: Adult Themes throughout